Do You Work From Home? It’s The Future!

Quick raise of hands. Do you, or anyone you know, work from home? It can be the occasional time in order to keep up with life’s demands, or it can be every day out of the working year. 1,2,3,40,500…

Okay, so our point is a lot of people work from home. And more people than ever have the option of working from home, thanks to more flexible company schedules and the availability of work technologies away from the office. We’re looking at you, smartphone.

We found this awesome infographic from, which shows that working from home is the future. The new way to work. Yes, it’s a controversial subject amongst certain CEOs, but there is noticeable trend in the telecommuting trend. The graphic’s numbers say it all!

Let’s start a conversation -Do you work from home? What do you like most about it? What freedoms has it given you in your work and life style?

Check out the original blog post on’s blog!


  1. I keep reading about how so many ‘work-from-home’ opportunities are scams. What can one believe to be a true and valid work at home opportunity?

    1. Thanks for the comment! Many companies are shifting towards letting their employees work from home occasionally when they can’t make it to the office. We agree, some jobs are scams, but does such a good job of weeding those scams out!

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