Category Culture

3 minute rant: We are hiring! (who cares)

It’s 2016, and lots of employers are hiring. Lots. Every time I pop onto LinkedIn or Twitter, it’s filled to the brim with posts about open jobs. 99% say “We are hiring!”. It’s interesting that employers still believe that by simply posting a virtual HELP WANTED sign, that talent will respond. Is ‘HELP WANTED’ compelling […]

How To Lower Costs & Enhance Culture with Direct Recruiting

Having trouble attracting the right kind of applicants at a reasonable cost? Recruiters are convenient but expensive, and sometimes push applicants that don’t quite fit the culture or needs of your organization. On the other hand, the direct recruitment model can be tricky – but it’s a great way to communicate your needs to the […]

Why a Millennial Chooses Milwaukee: Communication and Culture

by Hannah Leigh Thompson, The Good Jobs intern I have lived in Milwaukee most of my life, and I consider this city my home. Milwaukee is a beautiful city, an entrepreneurial city, with a fantastic food and music culture – uniquely suited for my millennial demographic. But I’m fairly sure that my demographic doesn’t know […]

How Zappos Engages Candidates with Social Recruiting

Have you heard of the Zappos Insider program? It had quite the buzz when we first rolled it out in May of 2014, and since then it has continued to attract the attention of recruiters, bloggers, people who want to work at Zappos one day, and of course, the people who just love the Zappos […]

Recruiting: If You Keep On Doing What You’ve Always Done…

The recruiting tactics that worked when employers held all the cards are losing their effectiveness as the Talent War intensifies. Unfortunately, as recruiting gets harder, most employers are operating under the misconception that they simply need to invest more time and energy and finesse in yesterday’s tactics. There are at least three reasons that turning […]

5 Company Culture Ideas for a Happier Workplace

What makes you happy? Is it your best friend? A long walk? Tacos? All of these things can make us happier throughout the day and can be incorporated into your company culture to create a happier work environment. Employee disengagement is costing the economy an estimated $550 billion in lost productivity, according to Gallup. They […]

Green Recruiting Practices – Does HR Need to Go Green? (Part 1)

We’ve all heard that green is the new black. Just like organizational culture was touted in the ‘90s as essential for business success, social responsibility seems to have taken its place during this decade. It’s good to be green — that’s what a lot of companies are finding, as they integrate environmentalism and sustainability into […]

Open Enrollment and Company Culture

We don’t need to remind you … I’m sure you organization is neck deep in benefits plans and open enrollment. As we head into open enrollment season, and you are talking about traditional health and welfare insurance benefits, it’s a perfect opportunity to paint the bigger picture and share all the ways you invest in your […]

The Ball’s In Your Court: Choosing the Right Employer

If you haven’t experienced the phenomenon of waking up and actually looking forward to your job, perhaps you need to take a closer look at how you value company culture. As a Millennial, I understand the shift in mindset – gone are the days where a simple “Now Hiring” sign could attract the best talent. […]

3 Ways You’re Killing Employee Engagement

By Natalie Pike, Inbound Marketing Coordinator at Hireology Employee engagement is one of the hottest topics being discussed among businesses today. Employers are always looking for ways to boost motivation in the workplace and get the best out of their people. The problem is, many hiring managers still struggle with staff disengagement. Are you one […]